Google Home integration

Posted over 1 year ago by Erol Cetincelik

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Erol Cetincelik

It would be great if there would be a Google Home integration with Petkit devices. I'd love to command my Google Home / Assistant as :"Please feed my pet" ; or "How many days to replace xx/yy" etc.

16 Votes


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Lukas Hrazdil posted 8 months ago

Yes the integration would make things so much easier and with the new pixel tablet as a smarthome hub, monitoring the status of the devices would be a real treat!

0 Votes


Dan Algarin posted 10 months ago

Integration with any of the common smarthome ecosystems (Google Home, Alexa, Smart things, Smartlife) would be very beneficial and help overcome limitations of the Petkit app.

0 Votes


Omar Villegas posted 11 months ago

It could be a temporary solution for those ones who wants the “Hey google, feed my pet”. In my case I installed a Switchbot Bot over the manual button of the Solo Feeder and it integrates with Google Home and Alexa.

1 Votes


Marius Beniušis posted about 1 year ago

This is very much missed

1 Votes


Yu Xiang posted about 1 year ago

It's almost essential to have work with Google Home integration (if not Matter) nowadays. 

3 Votes


Sebastián Camilo Pulido Cendales posted about 1 year ago

Is there any update on this? At least an intention to do it? This is a really necessary feature in smart devices nowadays 

4 Votes


Raph Mi posted over 1 year ago

That would be awesome indeed ! 

5 Votes

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