Eversweet 2 Solo - automatic reminder about refilling water when run out

Posted 9 months ago by Weronika Gronek

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Weronika Gronek

Eversweet 2 Solo - Would be nice to receive automatic reminder about water that run out, for this moment reminder is set by user and it is really hard to predict when water will run out. When I check in app there is information that water was run out but it require additional steps by end user. Hope that you will take it into consideration:) 

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Kris posted 9 months ago

Unfortunately that functionality does not exist. Search 'Mobile Notifications for Low Water' in the feature requests, this was reported a long time ago and has been an on-going problem for other Eversweet 'smart' models. They advertise smart app connectivity but its useless in that you have to open up the app just to check the status and it sends no notifications to your phone in the event of low water levels.

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