Multi Autoclean Delay Times

Posted 2 days ago by Dima Molosnic

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Dima Molosnic

You have a cool feature that identifies how much time cat has spent inside the PURA MAX 2, but there's a feature that is missing in all of the automatic litterboxes. And that's having different delay times for different spent time.

You see when my cats pee, they spend much less time compared to when they throw a dookie in there. And because of the pee, the autocleaning delay time is set around 8-10 minutes so that the litter clumps well together.

But that's also the biggest let down for this feature, because when one of them poops, I've got to smell their dookies for 10 minutes straight. And at that point the whole house starts to smell.

Adding this nifty list of delays based on the time spent gives me the control over when the PURA MAX 2 should scoop out the pee and when it should scoop out the poo.

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