Petkit Pura Air Smart Spray can't connect

Posted over 1 year ago by Cryo Play

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Un Solved
Cryo Play

Hi there.

Just installed my Petkit Pura Max Litterbox and its working great and our cats used it often. Now i wanted to install the Petkit Pura Air Smart Spray but i get always an error (get k3Sn from server null) when i try to connect. How can i solve the Problem?

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Jamal Alkahlout posted about 2 months ago

I have same problem. How to solve it?

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Davide Camisassi posted over 1 year ago

Problem fixed for me: 

They send a request for the serial number and a couple days later it starts working. It feels like a batch that they forgot to put in the system therefore they doesnt work! My spray works now

0 Votes


Davide Camisassi posted over 1 year ago

The same for me : 

They send a request for the serialnumber and a couple days later it starts working. It feels like a batch that they forgot to put in the system therefore they doesnt work! My spray works now

0 Votes


Emma Burnett posted over 1 year ago

You have to contact them and they activate the device once you confirm the serial number. 

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Rosina Su posted over 1 year ago

I have the same issue.  It's sad that I just got the machine today

0 Votes


Davide Camisassi posted over 1 year ago

Some problem. Serial number not existing. Any news? 

0 Votes


Stefan Dahlström posted over 1 year ago

They send a request for the serialnumber and a couple days later it starts working. It feels like a batch that they forgot to put in the system therefore they doesnt work! My spray works now it took litle more than a week and two mils 

1 Votes


koka amla posted over 1 year ago

I just received my Pura Max few days back and I’m having the same issue I contacted the support team and no respond since the 27th January every time I check for update the status shows ticket closed without any resolution anyone can help me or guide me what to do next ?

Many thanks 

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Emma Burnett posted over 1 year ago

Has anyone solved this yet? I’m having the same issue - it shows on my device list but when try to bind, it shows serial number doesn’t exist. 

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Cryo Play posted over 1 year ago

I contactet the Support and they send me a replacement Spray real fast.

0 Votes


Stefan Dahlström posted over 1 year ago

The same problem ”The error message is that the serial number does not exist.”

2 Votes


kim Cousins posted over 1 year ago

Hi I also am trying to bind and it won't. Has anyone had any luck yet with customer service?

0 Votes


Mattia posted over 1 year ago

I too cannot connect the Pura Air Smart to the smartphone/app.

The error message is that the serial number does not exist.

I am waiting for feedback from the support team

2 Votes

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