Element Solo not turning/dispensing

Posted over 1 year ago by Bill B

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Un Solved
Bill B

My Petfresh Element Solo stopped dispensing this morning. It IS connected to WiFi, and even using the manual button the dispenser will not turn. I have cleaned out the food and it will not turn. The "beep" saying it it dispensing occurs, but the impeller does not turn/ Are there any known problems of solutions?

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Annie posted over 1 year ago

My feeder, Fresh Element Mini, is also doing the same. Manual button does not work and light indicator for wifi is on. No food is dispensed for the feeding schedule. Only way to fix it is unplug the feeder and wait for the wifi light indicator to go off and plug it back in again before waiting for it to reconnect. Happens at least once a week.

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M.kshayla posted over 1 year ago

I just got my food dispenser today and nothing

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