After changing the litter and doing a recalibration the device started oversteer the litter and results in an angle when leveling.
I’be tried the same and different litter. The result is always the same. Exactly this angle.
I’ve already tried deleting the device, recalibrating the scale multiple times. Empty the litter, refill it in smaller batches. The result is always the same. Earlier it was working perfectly for months with the same litter.
Hey, check magnets behind the cylinder. There are two tiny magnets used to level the cylinder correctly. If you removed them and placed them back but up side down or back to forth or replaced them, the cylinder will not level correctly.
0 Votes
Julia Gawronposted
about 1 year ago
thank you! I’m definitely gonna try it out :)
0 Votes
János Dézsiposted
about 1 year ago
Check how you replace the cylinder and which cog goes to the bottom, the entrance of the machine and the cylinder could be easily misaligned if you do not pay enough attention. Check it from the front. That solved it for me. Try moving it once cog back and forth. Hope this helps. indeed it's very anoying and it should align itself no matter what.
0 Votes
Julia Gawronposted
about 1 year ago
i have the same issue and can’t find any solution, very annoying
After changing the litter and doing a recalibration the device started oversteer the litter and results in an angle when leveling.
I’be tried the same and different litter. The result is always the same. Exactly this angle.
I’ve already tried deleting the device, recalibrating the scale multiple times. Empty the litter, refill it in smaller batches. The result is always the same. Earlier it was working perfectly for months with the same litter.
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1.96 MB
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Jedrzej posted 9 months ago
Hey, check magnets behind the cylinder. There are two tiny magnets used to level the cylinder correctly. If you removed them and placed them back but up side down or back to forth or replaced them, the cylinder will not level correctly.
0 Votes
Julia Gawron posted about 1 year ago
thank you! I’m definitely gonna try it out :)
0 Votes
János Dézsi posted about 1 year ago
Check how you replace the cylinder and which cog goes to the bottom, the entrance of the machine and the cylinder could be easily misaligned if you do not pay enough attention. Check it from the front. That solved it for me. Try moving it once cog back and forth. Hope this helps. indeed it's very anoying and it should align itself no matter what.
0 Votes
Julia Gawron posted about 1 year ago
i have the same issue and can’t find any solution, very annoying
0 Votes
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