Pura Max error - cleaning failure device malfunction, please check

Posted about 1 year ago by Bjjasper

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Un Solved

Automatic/manual cleaning failure,device malfunction, please check. I cannot find anything on line regarding how to troubleshoot this. Has anyone else had this issue, and how did you fix it. Thank you.

5 Votes


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Raphaël Ayadi posted 3 days ago


#Petkit #puramax

I have an error message that says

"Bin is full" but it is not the case because I cleaned it well. The large lid is also well placed with the magnets. I do not understand what is blocking. I am afraid that the motor isn't functioning anymore.

0 Votes


Karie posted 4 months ago

This just occurred withy Pur X box.  I purchased it about 4 months ago.  I tried disabling the setting listed here & looked for the black wire mentioned in another comment... not sure where that's supposed to be.  Ended up just unplugging the unit for a few minutes & plugging it back in.  The device was able to work appropriately after this.  

0 Votes


Ping posted 5 months ago

I went to “smart setting” and turned off the Avoid Repeated Cleaning, then it works again.  just fyi 

0 Votes


Paul Amy Waite Ingham posted 7 months ago


I had this error yesterday. Check the wires coming from the motor. There's a little black rubber piece that is supposed to keep the wire joined to the prong, but ours had been severed or bent out of place. Getting some electrical tape and sticking them back to join enabled ours to work again.

May be worth looking at.

0 Votes


peter Pheby posted 7 months ago

having the same issues as above , don’t see any replies / resolutions. anyone had any success.

0 Votes


Bobby Fogle posted 7 months ago

I have same issue and found the screw that holds the motor for the waste bin door backed out and jamed the door. I suspect the  motor has failed but can't get a respoce from tech

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Parisa Borhani

Parisa Borhani posted 8 months ago

After add cat litter inside the box when I start to ato.atic clean  in one time cleaning removed all litter to bin box .what's the problem don't know .only 6 month work nice after that everyday I should clean the box bin plass my cats

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Parisa Borhani

Parisa Borhani posted 8 months ago

I have same problem only work 6 month ok then when I put cat litter inside box when clean removed all litter inside bin .any body know how I fix this problem

0 Votes

김미경 posted 8 months ago

저는 두 개의 기기를 사용하고 있는데 같은 문제가 있습니다.작년에 하나를 사서 아무 문제 없이 사용했는데 최근에 하나를 더 샀는데 처음부터 인터넷에 연결이 안 되고 예전에 잘 사용하던 것도 자동으로 청소가 되지 않았습니다.

0 Votes

김미경 posted 8 months ago

I too am having the same problem.  I bought one last year and have been using it well without linking to the app.  However, I recently purchased an additional device and tried to link the app to the new product, but the app does not link and even the previously used product is not recognized.

0 Votes


Gwladys LEROY posted 9 months ago


Same problem here, i wrote to the support this morning. 

Has anyone received an answer from support? 

0 Votes


thibault grand posted 9 months ago

Bonjour j'ai le couvercle de la poubelle qui ne gonctionne plus donc defaut de nettoyage auto ou puis je avoir un retour sous garantie car sav déplorable 

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Jenell Emm posted 9 months ago

Having the same issue, will return 

0 Votes


LAURENT CAMBON posted 10 months ago

Me too

Attachments (1)

1 Votes


Angie McGeeney posted 11 months ago

Same problem here. We’ve only had it 2 months. 

0 Votes


courtney brown posted 11 months ago

I’m having the same problem and have reached out to the support department. This is happening after only having my box 9 months and this box was a water toy replacement for the purax I had that had a sensor defect 

0 Votes


wai yung suen posted about 1 year ago

Me too. How can I do?

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