Pura max is not cleaning after cat was inside

Posted about 1 year ago by Marco Schwarz

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Un Solved
Marco Schwarz

Hi there

My pura max is not cleaning after my cat was inside. I checked the autmatic cleaning andthe delay is set to 1 minute.

Thanky in andvance for helping.

5 Votes


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Julia Escher Opferman posted 4 months ago

I learned something! My machine was sitting on an area rug. It wasn’t working, I planned to return but my “return window” had expired. I bought a different brand—and they made it clear litter Pan must be on hard surface. 

I moved both to hard wood floor—and it now works! 

0 Votes


Rawirat posted 4 months ago

I have the same issue just bought it and try installing new one many time.. it is not working 

0 Votes


Jeff Templeton posted 5 months ago

Same issue and no response here. The whole reason to purchase was to automate cleaning… sending it back!

1 Votes


Julia Escher Opferman posted 5 months ago

I am having same problem. I’ve had it about a month. Cats are using it and it cleaned a few times but now I have to hit the manual clean button every time. Very frustrating!

1 Votes


Hani R posted 6 months ago

Same issue it doesn’t auto clean and its brand new. Why has this support request not been addressed yet? This is the main function of the device. 

1 Votes

김미경 posted 8 months ago

Did you purchase it directly?  If so, it won't work.  They say that only products purchased from official stores have the automatic cleaning function. I am filing a refund complaint with the purchaser.

1 Votes


Cinta Ramblado posted 8 months ago

I have the same issue, it is not cleaning automatically after. Is there anyway to check/change this on the machine itself?

thank you

5 Votes

김미경 posted 8 months ago

I'm using two devices and I'm having the same problem. I bought one last year and used it without any problems, but I recently bought another one, but it didn't connect to the internet from the beginning, and even the one I was using well before wasn't cleaning automatically.

1 Votes


Carla Solis posted 9 months ago

I am also having the same issue. 

3 Votes


Yuriko Amano posted 11 months ago

I have the same issue! 

5 Votes

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