Systems Feeding errors

Posted over 1 year ago by BELUCKY Lucky

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Please help 

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sharoncmk Chua posted 3 months ago

For this model you will need to replace the motherboard and the built-in battery together. If still under warranty contact the seller for a solution. If over  warranty check if your seller provide repair service,

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Krzysztof Danilewicz posted 3 months ago

@nydia davita yumshare dual-hopper is probably pretty the same as gemini feeder (it doesn't have cameras, maybe there is another motherboard for cameras). I've attached feeder motherboard with a battery. 

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nydia davita posted 3 months ago

mine is petkit yumshare dual-hopper. i didn’t know which one is the battery. so i’m not sure which one to unplug

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Krzysztof Danilewicz posted 3 months ago

@nydia davita I am not sure what do you mean by "but which one". In my Gemini feeder there is one motherboard and battery is located on this motherboard.

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nydia davita posted 3 months ago

which one is the battery?

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nydia davita posted 3 months ago

where is the small battery located? in the motherboard right? but which one?

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Krzysztof Danilewicz posted 3 months ago

@nydia davita my seller and petkit support said the same... I had this problem in two devices, fixed by disconnecting small battery on the mainboard for a few seconds. 

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nydia davita posted 3 months ago

my seller said maybe mainboard problem either to change the mainboard or base

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Krzysztof Danilewicz posted 4 months ago

UMUT GÖGEBAKAN , my second service had the same error. Look at my previous post. You have to disassemble the device, there is a small battery which you need to remove for a few seconds (it's glued, you need to use heatgun to remove it or remove glue manually).

1 Votes


UMUT GÖGEBAKAN posted 4 months ago

Same issue here, automatic feeder function is not functional and manual extra feeding function is functional. My dog could be harmed because of this HORRIBLE PROBLEM and there wasn’t any notification. I have get in touch with Haidee and Rowena from the customer support but I am not very hopefull that they will find a solution. Because we are still at the “Is it plugged into outlet, did you reseted device, firmware update ”  stage

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Yves Rodrigues posted 12 months ago

Krzysztof Danilewicz, 

Do you have instructions about how disassemble the device?

I'm stuck on how to disassemble the feeder shaft. To release the lower part of the feeder.

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Krzysztof Danilewicz posted about 1 year ago

I had the same issue. You have to disassemble the device and remove small battery located at motherboard for a few seconds (battery is glued, you have to use heatgun or scratch the glue off).

4 Votes


Krzysztof Danilewicz posted about 1 year ago

I had the same problem, you need to disassemble the device, there is a small battery which you need to remove for a few seconds (it's glued, you need to use heatgun to remove it or remove glue manually).

2 Votes


Connie C posted about 1 year ago

Have the same "system error" message. Tried unplugging, wait plug in again and also in different outlets. Already reset unit, reset WIFI, took apart and made sure no food was stuck but still it will not automatically dispense according to schedule. Did not realize my poor cat had NOT eaten for days until I checked her Litter Robot and realized she was not producing any waste. This was HORRIFYING!!! There were no blinking signs on the unit itself nor did the APP send any notifications out of the error. I only discovered the error message after I opened the App and tapped on the feeder that just simply said "System error. Feeder stopped." and then I realized that the unit had not dispense her feedings for the last 4 days.

However, since the feeder was still connected to WIFI, I was able to dispense through the APP a one time "Snack" by tapping the "Extra Feeding". This tells me that the feeder's mechanicals and WIFI connectivity are working. 

I sent "ticket" to Petkit Support earlier today so hopefully they will provide a solution ASAP.

3 Votes


Serhat SAĞLAM posted about 1 year ago

same issue. any solution? manuel feed button is working but the application extra feed button or feeding plans not working. because application says same problem. please, any solution?

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