Fresh element solo feeder infrared obstacle detector always ON

Posted 12 months ago by jlmcr87

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Un Solved

Hi. I have a new petkit fresh element solo feeder. The problem is that with my surveillance camera i can see that the infrared obstacle detector is always ON all the day!

With my old feeder it only turns on a few seconds after the food came out.

But permanently on is totally innecesary!

Please fix this. Thanks for your attention.

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Irvin posted 10 days ago

Same for stainless steel feeder “infinity”.

I’m worried that it’s like asking your cat to eat under a super bright blinking flashlight so closely and may have risk on health of their eye sight.

also I don’t found any explanation on what yourpmare doing with those lights, nothing on the feature seems related to it.  

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Vanessa Costa posted 19 days ago

I have this problem too with my fresh element solo. how can I turn it off? 

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Chris Kessell posted 10 months ago

I've noticed exactly the same, the infra-red LED on my Solo feeder is flashing all the time which seems unnecessary and confuses my security camera.

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