I've deep cleaned my cement mixer, but now it won't stop turning! And it's started turning the opposite way round now.
I've tried recleaning the sensors on the bottom, and changing the amount of litter, starting with no litter inside then adding, but it empties out my litter then continues to go around and around, with whichever function I choose - "clean now", "empty litter", "reset".
I have 3 cats who make stinky poops... I can't go back to old school litter boxes... help!
I've deep cleaned my cement mixer, but now it won't stop turning! And it's started turning the opposite way round now.
I've tried recleaning the sensors on the bottom, and changing the amount of litter, starting with no litter inside then adding, but it empties out my litter then continues to go around and around, with whichever function I choose - "clean now", "empty litter", "reset".
I have 3 cats who make stinky poops... I can't go back to old school litter boxes... help!
I'm up to date with the latest firmware
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