Sealing Cover Error not resolving

Posted 7 months ago by Margo Stermer

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Un Solved
Margo Stermer

I received a sealing cover error earlier today. When I went to resolve it the usual culprit of a litter lump on top of the door was not there. I followed the video tutorial on how to resolve this issue and tried to run my Max through a cleaning cycle. It gave me the error again. I cleaned the magnets and went over everything again thinking I had just missed something. Made sure everything was secure and tried to run a clean cycle. Again, Sealing Cover Error. I noticed some loose screws and was able to tighten those down, went over everything again and tried to run a cleaning cycle. Once again Sealing Cover Error. I turned the machine off and back on, I unplugged the machine and left it before plugging it back in all with the same response Sealing Cover Error. The only other option I can think of is that the motor controlling the door no longer works. Anyone else having this problem? Any ways to fix this?

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Brittany J posted 23 days ago

I’m having the same problem! Were you ever able to resolve?

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